Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Are Labour set to self-destruct?

I am no fan of the New Labour Project, that goes without saying.
I have residual fondness for the Old Labour party and of course the whole of the Labour Movement, well my Post-grad studies were in Labour History!
However, like many people I am totally perplexed by the shenanigans of Hewitt and Hoon (sounds like a mid-range Derbyshire estate agents). Just as I thought that GB gave as good as (if not better) than Cameron at PMQ (I especially liked his "change in the morning, change in the afternoon, change in the evening" quip), along come H2O (Hoon + Hewitt= 0, geddit? no? please yourselves) to scupper any chances that their party may have in the forthcoming general elections.

Now don't get me wrong, I think that we Lib Dems by far provide the bestest answers (or at least the most pertinent questions).

However, I do NOT want to see a Tory government returned. I remember the desolation they wreaked last time round.
Whole swathes of the North, the Midlands, Scotland, and Wales lay in ruin.

Many of the deep social and economic scars that this country still has to try to heal are as a DIRECT result of their inane, bullying, uncaring, and frankly idiotically vindictive policies.

I have often thought that Mrs Thatcher was probably the only Marxist Prime Minister we have ever had, inasmuch as she saw how class is so vital to our understanding of society.
Unfortunately for everyone, (teachers, nurses, steel-workers, miners, anyone with a social conscience) she was a petit-bourgeouis Poujadist nincompoop (as the release of the Cabinet papers just before Christmas showed), bigotted, hateful, and self-righteous, all in one "Home Counties package".

If you think the Tories have changed you are much-mistaken.
They just want to win! At any cost! They will say, and do-ish anything to that end.

Take any issue that any progressive can rally around, they are at the opposite end!

* Progressive taxation? more like regressive, breaks for the top 3,000 families inheritance!
* Better schooling for all? only if you mean the paid-for sector or grammars.
* Equal Rights for women? only if they'll get out of the workplace, and go back in the home, preferably married.
* Equal Rights for Gays and Lesbians, including marriage? Not if some Tory blogger says, "feel uneasy at overt displays of affection by randy homosexuals".

As for local politics, just look what a mess they are making in councils up and down the country, Bradford (er...), Calderdale (double er...), Barnet (Easy Jet as a business model?) what planet are they from?

I could go on, but I'd only be boring myself, and possibly you dear reader.

Now where was I? Oh yes, the new damp squib from Hewitt and Hoon.
Why do they want a leadership contest? I have no idea. Unless they have someone in mind, but who?
Where is this knight in shining armour who will rescue Labour?
Johnson? Nice bloke, but knows, and admits, his own limitations.
Darling? All we'd get are sub-Blackadder Goes Forth, Captain Darling jokes.
Straw? Man of... and promoted beyond his abilities.
Milibands junior and minor? I had far more time for their father, great theorist and lecturer, and anyway for Mili Junior, to quote Brutus in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar:
There is a tide in the affairs of men.
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.

There really is no-one, NB no women, in the current crop who could take over the reins at such short notice and hope to make any sort of impact.
If I was being really mischievous I'd be starting a "Bring Backing Blair" campaign. They are determined to score as many own goals for the Tories as they can.

Nope, to paraphrase Shakespeare again this time Mercutio "a plague on both their houses".

If you want passion, purpose, and principle, we Lib Dems are the ONLY party to vote for.

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